Minggu, 14 Juni 2015


How happy is my heart is
To give thanks to you Lord
You sent me to this world
With a purpose that I have to figure out
And still in my journey
A journey to my place unknown

Dear God
Need some help from You
I learn day by day
To understand kind of wonderful life
From the beginning till the end
I am the most blessed person
With everything is around me
It takes my breath away
I learn to love somebody
I did say please help to find our heart
Without seeing any mistake and shortage

Dear God
Your love is good to me
You owned me as your daughter
My time limit teaches me
How to make a life
I surrender my heart, my mind and my soul to glorify Your Name.

Modals Auxiliaries

1.      Can
·         Can I borrow your book? (untuk meminta izin)
·         Riza can be at home tonight? (kemungkinan)
·         Iman can play the piano. (kemampuan)
2.      Could
·         Could I borrow your dictionary? (minta Izin)
·         Could you say it again more slowly? (permintaan)
·         We could try to fix it ourselves. (saran)
·         Tio could be very busy at that time. (kemungkinan)
·         He gave up his old job so he could work for us. (kemampuan)
3.      Shall
·         Shall I open the new bank account for you? (menawarkan bantuan)
·         Shall we go to the cinema tonight? (saran)
4.      Should
·         You should study hard every day (keharusan yang seharusnya dilakukan)
·         You should go to doctor soon. Rani is tired. She should rest. (anjuran/sebaiknya)
·         Profits should increase next year. (Prediksi tak tentu)
5.      Will
·         Will you carry these books for me? (permintaan/manwarkan)
·          I will get back to you first thing on Monday. (Janji)
6.      Would
·         Would you like to play badminton this Sunday? (mengundang)
·         Would you like another cup of tea? (permintaan)
7.      May
·         Rima may be late. (kemungkinan)
·         May you both the happy. (harapan)

8.      Might
·         You may go home now (persetujuan/izin)
·         They might give us a 10% discount (kemungkinan)
9.      Must
·         You must listen to your heart (keharusan)
·         You must not drive your car tonight (larangan)
10.  Ought to
·         We ought to employ a professional writer (menyarankan)
·         It’s raining so hard, you ought to bring your umbrella (menyarankan)

vacation plans

I'll tell you about my vacation plans. I and my classmates have plans to vacation together to the top, this plan has long been made but canceled continues. The cause of the cancellation of class holiday because of the time that is not appropriate. For that I and my friends are already making the steering committee that this holiday actually implemented as two years ago. Two years ago I and my classmates had also pari vacation to the island. The plan I and classmates wanted the summit after the midterms. There, the committee has made the arrangement show. The activities we will do is outbound. In addition, we will engage in activities that could make the mind quiet considering we have a lot of time studying and learning activities. I hope once classmates follow this last holiday before graduation.

Active - Passive

v  Simple Present Tense
Active : Wanda washes the clotes
Passive : The clotes are washed by Wanda

v  Present Progressive Tense
Active : Reni is reading a book
Passive : A book is being reading by Reni

v  Present Perfect Tense
Active : Eva have coocked the meat
Passive : The meat have been coocked by Eva

v  Simple Past Tense
Active : Melisa washed the motorcycle
Passive : The motorcycle was washed by Melisa

v  Past Progressive
Active : Viki was helping the tourist about the traffic in Jakarta
Passive : The tourist was being by Viki about the traffic in Jakarta

v  Past Perfect
Active : Nanda had fixed the bicycle few days ago
Passive : The bicycle had been fixed by Eva few days ago

v  Simple Future
Active : Astri will finish his course at 5.00pm
Passive : His course will be finished by Astri at 5.00pm

v  Be going to
Active : Kartika is going to visit Biko next week
Passive : Biko is going to be visited by Kartika next week

v  Future perfect
Active : Albert will have finished the chores

Passive : The chores will have been finished by Albert

Minggu, 03 Mei 2015

contoh adjective clause

1. Dhila whom I really wanted to meet someday was my sweetheart in college.
2. The wedding singer whom I invited him to sing in my wedding party died yesterday.
3. He is the only candidate whom we are really fond of his attitude.
4. Rani is the prettiest girl whom everyone falls in love with
5. The woman to whom this letter is addressed has moves to Bandung.
6. I enjoyed talking to the woman with whom we had dinner last night.
7. The girl to whom I was introduced is a Balinese
8. I work in the company which manages my life
9. Do you bring the book which I gave it to you yesterday?
10. I found a kitten which I love more than anything

artikel gerund

“Hulk smash!” was all people expected of the rage-driven superhero — at least until 47-year-old character actor Mark Ruffalo turned the Hulk and his alter-ego, milquetoast scientist Bruce Banner — into fan favorites.
Part of the process was the motion-capture suit that Ruffalo wore to map hundreds of points on his body to a computer model that was then brought to life by computer-generated imagery (CGI).

It was mostly embarrassing,” according to Ruffalo, speaking to reporters at a pre-release press conference for Avengers: Age of Ultron in Seoul. “I had to wear what I’ve come to call my ‘man-canceling’ suit — which makes you look big everywhere you want to look small and small where you want to look big.”

The suit became kind of a joke, Ruffalo said. “It isn’t very flattering. Last time around, I said maybe we should have Marc Jacobs design [it].”

What makes the difference in Ultron is the state-of-the-art technology developed by Imaginarium Studios, run by Andy Serkis, who won kudos for his remarkable CGI-aided role as Gollum in The Lord of the Rings movies.

For Ultron, Imaginarium equipped Ruffalo with a traditional motion-capture suit — and a mask to capture simultaneously his facial expressions point-by-point, so that the actor could give full life to the Hulk’s physical performance.

“So you have this integration of the body, the face and all the physical attributes,” the actor says in the film’s production notes. “And it can get really nuanced and it is something that is as sacred and as worthy as anything we do on any set.”

Technology was one thing that helped Ruffalo — twice-nominated for the Best Supporting Actor Oscar — give Banner and the Hulk more depth as characters in Ultron.

“It’s the first time in a very long time that [Banner’s] felt comfortable and a little bit safe, which could be problematic for him,” Ruffalo said of Ultron at a roundtable interview in Seoul. “He can almost trick himself into thinking that he is having a normal life — but then the Big Green Guy decides otherwise. He struggles with that, obviously.”

A normal life is what Ruffalo maintains for himself, despite fame.

The actor lives with his wife of almost 15 years, Sunrise Coigney, a few thousand kilometers from Hollywood in rural New York State — something that insulates their children Bella Noche, Keen and Odette from show business.

Ruffalo says the kids have become immune to the Hulk, although they don’t like watching Banner kiss superassassin Black Widow, played by Scarlett Johansson, on screen.

“They think I’m cool, and I have a great relationship with my kids, but they’re like ‘OK, it’s time to come home now. We love the superhero movies, but we want you home.’”

Sadly, Ruffalo adds, Johansson wasn’t available on the day the kiss was filmed so he had to kiss a stand-in. “That’s one of those movie magic moments that I’ll be regretting for the rest of my life,” he says.

After signing on for four more Hulk movies, Ruffalo is wary when talking about the Academy-Award winning film Birdman, where Michael Keaton plays a Hollywood actor struggling with serious acting on Broadway after building a career on superhero roles.

When I watched the movie, I was cringing — waiting for my name to be mentioned,” Ruffalo says, laughing. “There is always some kind of genre movie that becomes ‘the one’ for a time. I hope this one lasts longer than some of the others. It’s a long career.”

On the chance for a solo Hulk film — maybe based on Greg Pak’s Planet Hulk or World War Hulk comic books — Ruffalo says he’s willing, but not sure in which direction Marvel Productions will go.

“Maybe, one day, I’d love to see it happen,” Ruffalo says. “We’ve talked about it. They’ve got a lot of work ahead of them still on other projects before they could talk about it.”

In the meantime, Ruffalo looks like he’s having a good time. “I’m pretty happy running around with my fellow superheroes,” he adds. “It’s working and that’s a good thing.

“As an actor you don’t have very much control — you’re sort of riding the wave of the culture,” he says. “I like to ride a bunch of different waves. This [superhero stuff] doesn’t define who I am.

“I love to act, so I keep going where my heart takes me. Sometimes, it’s a blockbuster — and sometimes it’s [his upcoming children’s film] Infinitely Polar Bear,” Ruffalo says. “I’ve been doing this a long time — I hope I’ll be doing it a lot longer.”

1.It was mostly embarrassing (itu sebagaian besar memalukan)
-embarrasing is a gerund used as the object of the verb mostly

2.speaking to reporters (berbicara kepada wartawan)
-speaking is a gerund use as the subject of the sentence, speaking to reporters is a gerund phare

3.It isn’t very flattering (hal ini tidak terlalu menyanjung)
-flattering is a gerund used as the object of the verb isn't

4. something that is as sacred (sesuatu yang sakral)
-something is a gerund use as the subject of the sentence, something that is as sacred

5.Technology was one thing that helped Ruffalo ( Teknologi adalah salah satu hal yang membantu Ruffalo)
- thing is a gerund use as the object of the verb was

6. thinking that he is having a normal life ( berpikir bahwa ia memiliki kehidupan yang normal)
- thingking is a gerund use as the subject of the sentence, thinking that is a gerund phrase

7. I’ll be regretting for the rest of my life ( saya akan menyeseali seumur hidup saya)
- regretting is a gerund use as the object of the verb be

8.After signing on for four more Hulk movies (After signing on for four more Hulk movies)
- signing is a gerund use as the object of the verb after

9.When I watched the movie, I was cringing (Ketika saya menonton film, saya merasa ngeri)
- cringing is a gerund use as the object of the verb was

10. so I keep going where my heart takes me (jadi aku terus berjalan di mana hati saya membawa saya)
- going is a geund use as the object of the verb keep

Minggu, 05 April 2015

Regular and Irregular Verb

1. Regular Verb

Present Tense
Past Tense
Past Participle

2. Irregular Verb

Present Tense
Past Tense
Past Participle

Namun untuk irregular verb ada pembentukan yang sama dan dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok seperti pada tabel di bawah ini.

Past participle
Present tense, past tense, dan participle sama

Present tense, past tense, dan participle berbedaBreak


Past tense dan participle samaleaveLeftLeftMeninggalkan

Present tense dan participle samaComeCameComeDatang

My Experience (Simple Past Tense)

Sejak duduk di bangku SD saya sudah tertarik dan senang sekali dengan olahraga bulu tangkis dan renang. Pada saat itu saya hanya bermain bulu tangkis bersama teman-teman rumah saya saja, belum masuk ke dalam club bulutangkis dan tiap minggu saya suka berenang ditemani ibu saya. Awal saya suka dengan olahraga bulu tangkis dan renang karena waktu itu sering melihat di pertandingan renang dan bulu tangkis di tv. Melihat anaknya senang bermain bulu tangkis dan renang kemudian Ayah saya menawarkan untuk masuk club. Kemudian saya memutuskan untuk masuk club bulu tangkis di Jaya Raya Jakarta yang tempat di Gelanggang Olahraga Ragunan dan saya tidak masuk club renang tetapi hanya belajar berenang setiap hari minggu pagi.
     Setelah saya masuk Jaya Raya Jakarta saya bergabung dengan teman-teman yang seumuran mulai dari TK sampai SD. Setelah 1 tahun saya mengikuti latihan di Jaya Raya ada pertandingan yang melibatkan club-club se-Jakarta Pusat. Pelatih saya menunjuk saya untuk ikut serta dalam kejuaraan dan saya pun ikut dalam kejuaraan itu. Sebenarnya saya kurang percaya diri untuk mengikuti kejuaraan itu, namun motivasi dari pelatih dan teman-teman saya yang membuat saya berani mencoba. Saat pertandingan pertama bermain single saya kalah karena gugup, tetapi saat pertandingan kedua saya bermain double Alhamdulillah menang. Setelah 6 tahun saya di club akhirnya saya pun berhenti dan keluar dari Jaya Raya saat kelas 3 SMP dan memutuskan untuk fokus pada Ujian Nasional saat itu.
            3 tahun kemudian saya masuk kuliah di Universitas Gunadarma Depok. Pada saat semester 2 tidak sengaja saya bertemu teman club bulu tangkis di Jaya Raya yang sudah lama sekali tidak bertemu, kemudian ia mengajak saya untuk UKM bulu tangkis setiap hari minggu siang di GOR Banthong. Kemudian saya masih ragu mengikuti UKM bulu tangkis karena saya tidak percaya diri dan sudah lama tidak main bulu tangkis. Namun di semester 3 akhirnya saya mengikuti UKM bulu tangkis, beberapa bulan kemudian saya dipercaya untuk menjadi bendahara. Lalu tidak lama dari itu, kampus mengikuti POMPROV (Pekan Olahraga Mahasiswa Provinsi DKI Jakarta) pada tahun 2012 salah satunya olahraga cabang bulu tangkis dan saya terpilih untuk mewakili kampus bermain double dalam team perempuan. Persiapan saya pun kurang hanya latihan di UKM saja dan pada saat pertandingan saya kalah.
Saat semester 7 saya kembali mewakili kampus untuk mengikuti POMPROV pada tahun 2014 dicabang olahraga bulu tangkis bermain double dalam team perempuan. Kedua kalinya mewakili kampus saya tidak mau menyianyiakan kesempatan terakhir ini untuk itu saya serius mempersiapkan diri dari 2 bulan sebelum pertandingan yaitu dengan olahraga setiap pagi setelah sholat shubuh mulai dari lari, skipping, gerakan bayangan bulu tangkis, sit up, back up, latihan di UKM dan diluar UKM .
Alhamdulillah dengan semua usaha dan persiapan yang saya lakukan membuahkan hasil yang maksimal. Team perempuan cabang bulu tangkis Universitas Gunadarma mendapat juara 3. Namun Universitas Gunadarma meraih peringkat 4 dari berbagai cabang olahraga senilai Rp. 20.000.000,00. Setau saya Universitas Gunadarma mendapatkan 5 emas, 12 perak dan 22 perunggu. Saya merasa senang sekali ikut bergabung di UKM bulu tangkis Gunadarma teman saya menjadi bertambah banyak, kenal dengan senior dan junior berbagai jurusan, bagaimana cara berorganisasi dan yang lebih penting pengalaman bisa mewakili dan membawa harum nama Universitas Gunadarma menjadi juara di POMPROV DKI Jakarta 2014.

Since elementary school, I was interested and pleased with the sport of badminton and swimming. At that time I was just playing badminton with my friends my home course, has not entered into the badminton club and every week I like to swim accompanied my mother. The beginning I love with badminton and swimming because it was often seen in swimming and badminton match on tv. Seeing her son loved playing badminton and swimming then my dad offered to enter the club. Then I decided to go in the club badminton at Jaya Raya Jakarta place in Sports Ragunan and I did not go swimming club but only learned to swim every Sunday morning.
After I entered Jaya Raya Jakarta I join with friends of the same age from kindergarten to elementary school. After 1 year of my training at Jaya Raya there matches involving clubs throughout Central Jakarta. My coach pointed me to participate in the championship and I also participate in the championship. Actually I lack the confidence to participate in the championship, but the motivation from the coach and my friends who encouraged me to try. When the first match play single I lost because of nervous, but when I play the second game Alhamdulillahwinning. After 6 years I was at the club I finally had to stop and get out from Jaya Raya current 3rd grade junior high school and decided to focus on the current National Exam.
3 years later I went to college at the GunadarmaUniversity Depok. At the time of the 2nd semester by accident I met a friend badminton club in Jaya Raya which was a long time no see, then he invited me to badmintonUKM every Sunday afternoon at GOR Banthong. Then I still hesitate to follow the badmintonUKM because I didn’t trust myself and have not played badminton. But at the end of my third semester of follow badmintonUKM, a few months later I believed to be the treasurer. Then not long from it, the campus follow Pomprov (Student Sports Week DKI Jakarta) in 2012 one of sports badminton and I was chosen to represent the campus of a double play in the women's team. My preparation was lacking onlyjust in UKM training and during the match I lost.
When I wasreturned semesters the 7th represents the campus to follow in 2014 branched Pomprov badminton double play in the women's team. The second time I did not want to represent the campus wasted the last chance I have to seriously prepare from 2 months before the game is to exercise every morning after dawn prayer start from running, skipping, shadow movement badminton, sit-ups, back-up, training in UKM and beyond UKM.
Alhamdullilah with all the effort and preparation i do yield maximum results. Women’s team badminton gunadarma university branch got the third place. Gunadarma university won yet rank 4 from various sport valued at Rp. 20,000,000 fare. Gunadarma university i guess get 5 gold, 12 silver, and 22 bronze. I feel so glad join UKM Gunadarma badminton friends i became abounded, seniour, and junior are familiar with a wide range of majors, how do i organize and more importantly experience can represent and carry perfumed Gunadarma University name become a champion in POMPROV Jakarta, 2014.

daily activites (simple present tense)

        Saya akan menceritakan tentang kegiatan sehari-hari saya dalam menjalani aktivitas sebagai mahasiswi. Setiap hari saya bangun tidur pukul 05.00 untuk sholat shubuh. Sehabis sholat shubuh terkadang saya menyempatkan diri untuk olahraga main skipping, sit up atau back up 15 menit sampai 20 menit. Lalu kemudian saya istirahat sambil menonton ceramah di tv sampai pukul 07.00. Jika waktu sudah menunjukkan pukul 07.00 saya segera mandi dan siap-siap menjalankan aktivitas saya sebagai mahasiswi. Sebelum berangkat kuliah saya sarapan pagi terlebih dahulu, karena jarak antara rumah saya dengan kampus dekat 15 menit sampai kampus seperti biasa saya berangkat pukul 07.45. Cukup menguntungkan rumah saya tidak jauh dari kampus jadi tidak harus berangkat pagi-pagi dari rumah .
     Setelah sampai di kampus lalu saya bertemu dengan teman-teman saya yang sudah sampai kampus lebih awal. Kalau dosen belum datang biasanya saya dengan teman-teman ngobrol dan tertawa bareng karena banyak hal-hal lelucon bersama teman-teman yang bisa membuat saya tertawa lepas, selain itu juga sering berdiskusi dan belajar bersama, tetapi jika dosen sudah datang saya fokus belajar materi yang sudah diberikan oleh dosen. Waktu telah menunjukkan pukul 12.00 saya dan teman-teman langsung menuju mushola untuk sholat dzuhur. Setelah sholat dzuhur, saya dan teman-teman makan siang dan kembali masuk kelas untuk mata kuliah selanjutnya sampai pukul 16.30. Setelah saya menghabiskan waktu untuk kuliah dan berkumpul bersama teman-teman, lalu saya pulang dan sampai dirumah pukul 16.45.
      Setelah sampai rumah, istirahat 5 menit saya langsung mandi dan sholat ashar. Sehabis sholat ashar, saya bermain dengan kucing peliharaan saya. Sekitar pukul 18.00 saya sholat maghrib. Setelah sholat maghrib, saya membantu ibu mempersiapkan makan malam. Kalau ibu tidak masak biasanya saya membeli makanan diluar. Pukul 19.30 saya sholat isya, setelah itu saya mulai menyibukan diri dengan mengerjakan tugas kuliah. Setelah mengerjakan tugas kuliah, lalu saya bercerita bersama ibu atau menonton tv, tetapi jika acara tv tidak ada yang bagus biasanya saya main games dihp atau mendengarkan musik sampai mengantuk.
       Itulah singkat cerita tentang kegiatan sehari-hari saya selama didalam rumah maupun diluar rumah. Semoga cerita singkat ini bisa bermanfaat dan membawa inspirasi bagi yang membacanya.

       I'll tell you about my daily activities through the activities as a student. Every day i wake up at 5 a.m for dawn prayers. After dawn prayers, sometimes i take myself for skipping exercise, sit up, and back up 15 minutes to 20 minutes. Then i take a break while watching a talk show on tv untill 7 a.m.  If the time is already showing at 7 a.m i immediately take a bath and get ready to run my activity as a student. Before i go to school, breakfast beforehand because the gap between my house near my campus as usual 15 minutes untill i leave 07.45 a.m . then my home is not far from my campus so it must not leave early away from my home.
        After arriving on campus and i met up my friends who have been to campus early. If a lecturer is yet to come i usually with friends chatting and laughing together because a lot of things to joke with friends can make me laugh it off, it also often discuss and study together, but if a lecturer is coming i focused material that is already given by the lecturer. Time has shown the 12.00 a.m me and my friends go to the mosque for midday prayer. After midday prayer, me and my friends to lunch and back in class for further courses until 04.30 p.m . After i spend some time to go to college hangging out with friends, and then i go home at 5 p.m.
       After arriving home, rest 5 minutes i was immediately take a bath and afternoon prayer. After afternoon prayer, i play with my pet. About 6 p.m west prayer. After west prayer, i help my mother preparing dinner. If my mother not cook i usually buy food. At 07.30 p.m evening prayer, after that i started self had occupied with the duty of college. After working on college duty, and then i tell the story with my mother or watch tv, but if the tv show there is no goos i usually play games on my phone or listening music until sleepy.
       That’s the short story about my daily activities during in the home and outside home. Hopefully this short story can be beneficial and inspiration for those who read it.